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We Design and Build Your Projects

At Sinnott, we’ll solve your design problems and give you the approximate cost and duration of your project to ensure that your visions align with your budget and building regulations.
Do you want to build your new residence or simply remodel your existing space? Upgrade and add extra features to your residential property with our renovation services and landscape and accessory structures.
Set the stage for your next commercial project as we guide you through each phase of planning, designing, and construction. Power up and add value to your business without incurring unnecessary expenses and stress.
We also offer basic design services from project inception through the issuance of a building permit: Architecture, Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering
Samuel Sinnott and Company, Architecture and Construction Incorporated, is a construction corporation providing full services in Residential and Commercial Interior Architecture, Interior Design, Site Design, and Construction. Services start with a free, onsite kickoff meeting to see if the project vision conforms with building codes, can be executed attractively, and can be delivered on budget and schedule. Service typically includes verification of existing site and building conditions, conceptual design, preliminary project cost estimating, permit documents, construction documents, and construction.
Conceptual drawings are often drawn by hand in ink to save time and have a more artistic outcome. Our preliminary construction and project cost estimating is a valuable design tool that helps avoid costly redesign if construction costs are over budget. Sinnott and Company incorporates permitting strategies that identify plan check problems in advance and streamline permit plan checking. These approaches help our unique and artistic projects meet construction budget and schedule expectations.
Design work is always performed on a time and material basis. Hourly rates are usually $180 per hour for principals and $120 per hour for all others. Reimbursable expenses are typically marked up by 15%. This approach allows us to work flexibly on whatever the client wants or the problem demands.
A construction agreement is not a requirement of the design agreement but is offered as part of our services under a separate contract. Clients have complete flexibility to choose any supplier or subcontractor to help deliver the project. Rates and markups vary with the scope and difficulty of the work.

Basic Design Services

Structural Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering

Additional Services

Measuring and documenting existing conditions
Measuring and documenting existing conditions
Geotechnical Engineering
Interior Design and Interior Architecture
Public Hearing Submittals and Reviews
Design Revisions after Construction Commences
Landscape Design
Civil Engineering/Surveying
Project and Construction Cost Estimating
Agency Coordination
Material, Component, And Fixture Specifications
Development Feasibility Studies
Are you looking to develop a residential, commercial interior, or small institutional project but don't know where and how to start? Schedule a free consultation with us so we can discuss our collaboration.
Call us anytime
(650) 325-556
Years of
on Houz
Do you want to build your new residence or simply remodel your existing space? Upgrade and add extra features to your residential property with our renovation services and landscape and accessory structures.
Set the stage for your next commercial project as we guide you through each phase of planning, designing, and construction. Power up and add value to your business without incurring unnecessary expenses and stress.
We also offer basic design services from project inception through the issuance of a building permit: Architecture, Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering


Awards and Affiliations